After years of blogging and turning it into the business that it is today, I’ve definitely learned a thing or two on motivating myself and being productive. BUT, it’s not just about being productive and checking off things on my to-do list. It’s about the person I’m embodying that’s being productive and then checking off things on my to-do list.

And doing that has not only made a world of a difference in my productivity but also, enjoy the work more. Because what’s the point if you’re not having fun, right? I believe the journey is as powerful as reaching the destination. And the person you embody will make you enjoy the ride to that destination. It makes the journey sooo much more worthwhile, and more likely for you to do the work.

The happier you are doing the work, the more work you accomplish. And the more you accomplish, the happier you are. And it becomes this cycle of positive reinforcement. It’s a little slow when you start but it gets easier & more fun each day.

And as someone who works from home, it’s really easy to get distracted & watch K-dramas on Netflix. Or maybe you work a 9-5 job or study at school, and you come home tired, and you want to generate some productive energy towards your side hustle. So if you want to be more productive, keep reading!

Watch my video below or scroll down to read ↓

My productive morning routine

#1 I wake up consistently at the same time every day

Every morning, Monday-Friday, I wake up at 6 AM and cooking my husband’s breakfast & pack his lunch for the day. It’s the very first thing I do in the morning. And as someone who works from home, waking up to my husband’s schedule gives me a consistent time to start the day.

#2 I fulfill my physical needs

My #1 rule is that my well-being always comes first. Because if my well-being is out, everything else goes out. So I do a quick check if I’m hungry or sleepy. And whatever those needs are, I fulfill them. So on this day, I decided to go back to bed, slept for an hour, and woke up 100x better.

#3 I create a moment of peace to clear my head

After fulfilling my physical needs, I’m now able to start the day with a clear head. I do this by journaling for 10 minutes, taking a walk around the block, or just sitting down and looking out the window. Something that’s very simple to do that doesn’t require much thinking. Maybe for you, it could be stretching or cleaning the floor. Anything that will leave your mind empty. Because in that space of emptiness, it allows space for inspiration to show up.

But let’s say you’re coming home from school or work, and you’re tired and unmotivated to work. You need a buffer to unwind & destress before you work. Otherwise, that energy gets reflected in your work, which makes you work more because you have to go back and fix it. So look at simple activities that leave you at peace. Maybe it’s stretching or cleaning the floor.

So once it’s quiet in my head,

#4 I connect with my vision

My vision is the future I’m living into, knowing that all the work I’m doing will take me there. If you haven’t laid out your vision yet, now is a great time to do it.

What kind of lifestyle do you want to live, and how much should you be making to support that lifestyle? How does your career, relationships, and health look like 5 years from now?

And once you’ve figured your vision out, give a name to the type of person that fulfills that vision. The more fun & creative the name, the easier it’ll be for you to do the next steps. For example, your vision is to be making 6 figures and live in a farmhouse by the mountains, with a sexy husband. And you have a drop-dead gorgeous body and the health to match. A name you can give to that person who fulfills that vision is “Money-Making Boss Bitch”.

Or your vision is to be a full-time creator, making enough money to move into your dream 1-bedroom condo by the beach. You have a community of supportive girlfriends that empower you. And you’re single & enjoying dating after leaving your toxic ex. “Unstoppable Courageous Goddess” is what you call the person who fulfills that future. Throw in some empowering words in the name and have fun with it.

And after that, I step into the shoes of that very person.

#5 I embody the feeling of achieving the vision

I ask myself, “What is the one thing ______ would do at this moment right now?”

And I don’t think about the chores that need to get done, or the project that’s due tonight so I have to start working already. This is the time to do something only for myself. I’m not doing the productive work just yet. Because before I can serve others, I first need to serve myself. So what I’m doing now is building up positive energy from doing things that make me genuinely happy. So whatever that thing is, do it.

#6 I do the thing to build up positive feelings

So my answer on this day was doing a quick workout. As much as I was dreading exercising, I knew it would take me a step closer to my vision. So I do a few leg exercises. I’m lucky enough to have a gym at home. But if you don’t, there are tons of ways to work out at home with a quick Google search. Like using these exercise bands, or this sissy squat machine.

Afterward, I took a shower, dressed up in an outfit that made me feel like a million dollars, put on jewelry that made feel like a goddess and applied makeup for that added confidence. All of these actions turn into positive feelings that add up on top of another.

#7 I plan the day

Now it’s time to plan a course of action with the positive emotions that have built up inside me. So in my planner, I ask myself “what would make me over the moon if I completed it by the end of today?” And then I write them down.

#8 I use those positive feelings and turn them into positive action

So just do it & don’t even think about it. And I do it in baby steps. Because it’s much more manageable that way. And then for the rest of the day, I constantly check in with myself. What would Money-Making Boss Bitch do right now? That way the decisions I make from where I want to be in the future, gets reflected in today’s actions. And it’s a way for me to bring myself closer to my vision each day.

A productive routine structure with wiggle room

And that is the structure of my productive routine. I’m the type of person who loves flexibility and wiggle room. And following the exact same routine doesn’t work for me. And that may be the case for you. Even though the actions will change from day to day, I still become productive because it’s about the person I’m being and bringing that person to life.

Recognize which “season” you’re in

In case you’re watching this video because want to be more productive and you feel like you’re not doing enough. First, take a step back and look at what you have accomplished so far. Because a lot of the time, we forget how much we actually achieved because we’re too busy working on the next task.

If that’s the case for you, you’re not a machine. You’re human and we all go through seasons of productivity, and seasons where we rest. It’s a matter of knowing which season we’re in and making the best of it. Today, I happen to be in a season of productivity. But next month, I could be in a season of rest, so a productive day would incorporate more self-care and journaling.

To conclude,

Here’s my productive day routine:

  1. Wake up consistently at the same time every day
  2. Fulfill the physical needs
  3. Create a moment of peace to clear the head
  4. Connect with the vision
  5. Embody the feeling of achieving the vision
  6. Do the thing to build up positive feelings
  7. Plan the day
  8. Use those positive feelings and turn it into positive action

So that wraps up my video. Don’t forget to check out Ana Luisa and get 10% off your first order with my link.

And if you’re in a rut and you’re looking for ways to be inspired, I recommend watching this video. And if you’re in a season of resting and you’re looking for self-care ideas, I recommend this video. All the links are down below.

Thank you so much for watching! Please like & subscribe if you learned something. And I’ll see you in the next one! Bye!