Ever since the lockdowns during COVID, my perspective on living simply has changed. I used to think a simple life wasn’t enough. I’ve always been a goal chaser, girl-bossing my way through many things. But now, I crave girl rest. Especially after enduring strict lockdowns in a small, gloomy rural village in Germany, my idea of joy in my day-to-day life shifted a lot. And though we’re no longer living through those lockdowns (thank goodness!), my standards for what brings me happiness hasn’t changed. Especially now that I’ve moved back home to Guam, a small, tropical island in the middle of the Pacific where life is slow and relaxed, I’ve really embraced the beauty of simplicity. So, let’s get started with simple things that bring me joy, and I hope they inspire you to embrace the small, everyday things in your own life.

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1. Grocery shopping

Grocery shopping holds a special charm for me. While I love window shopping for clothes, these days, I actually find a trip to the grocery store more interesting. Even when I’m traveling, visiting local grocery stores is a must.  Maybe I’m in my grandma era but it’s a place for inspiration – whether it’s trying out a new recipe or just falling back on a comforting meal. There’s something about the array of ingredients that gets the creative juices flowing. And that itself fills me with joy. 

2. Cook a comforting dish

Cooking a comforting dish is like wrapping myself in a warm hug, especially when it’s a steaming bowl of noodle soup. While I normally reach for my favorite instant ramen brands like Ichi-ban or Shin Ramen, I decided to take a healthier route. This homemade version has become a go-to comfort food for me. Packed with veggies and leftovers from my fridge, it’s both nourishing and satisfying. What sets it apart is the broth – rich, flavorful, and oh-so-creamy without feeling heavy. Cooking it in an earthenware pot adds an extra layer of depth to the flavors and keeps the soup hot for longer. Plus, I don’t have to wash another bowl. Stay tuned for a video recipe coming soon.

3. Bake bread from scratch

Baking sourdough bread has become an adventure in its own little way. While there’s been a fair share of trial and error over a few months, there’s something really special about baking bread entirely from scratch – right down to the yeast. I love the idea of making something out of humble ingredients because what really transforms them is the work and heart that goes into it.  And while eating homemade bread is really satisfying, I think the fun lies in creating it.

4. Wash dishes

Even the mundane task of washing dishes has been a peaceful activity I enjoy. While it doesn’t elicit the same level of joy as some of the other activities I’ve mentioned, I’ve learned to appreciate its quiet simplicity. I used to watch YouTube videos in the background while washing dishes but I decided to cut that out in order to minimize screen time. With a view of my garden outside and the cozy presence of my cats, the chore transforms into a moment of peace. It’s a necessary part of maintaining my home, and I’m reminded that even the most ordinary tasks can hold its own quiet moment.

5. Learn a new skill

That said, I still crave a dose of excitement here and there. Like my latest hobby: surfskating. Which is kind of like surfing but on a skateboard. I’m still in that clumsy, awkward, beginner stage but it’s definitely made me get out of my comfort zone. No matter how awkward I feel, a quick surfskate session always makes me feel better. Not to mention, it gets me out of the house and I get to exercise without having to feel like I am.

6. Improve an already existing skill (in this case, swimming!)

Speaking of exercise, I’ve asked the help of my good friend to teach me how to swim. I’m no stranger to swimming but I’m not the best- I always find myself winded after a short distance. After a few lessons, I feel much more confident in the water and I feel like I’m able to glide at a longer distance with less effort. Living on Guam, the ocean is always free to enjoy. My husband and I try to spend time at the beach at least 1x a week. Plus, the healing effects of the ocean brings us back to center.

7. Watch a local show

Because our island is small, many people think there’s not a lot of activities to do but there’s actually plenty if you look around. Recently, we watched a local performance by Natibu, a local dance academy dedicated to preserving Guam’s culture through island dance. It was heartwarming to watch, while immersing ourselves in the culture and also supporting the local community. I recommend looking out for local shows where you live, it’s a great way to get to know your local community and show up for them.

8. Watch the sunset

Watching the sunset may seem like a cliché to some, but here in Guam, it never gets old. Many locals & tourists make it a point to head to the beach and watch the sunset. It was a view I always missed when I moved away from Guam. And now that I’m back, I’ll never take it for granted again.

9. Dine out

While I love to cook and cozy up with my husband on most evenings, we like to carve out one day a week to dine out. It’s our chance to indulge in something different. Not only does it give us a break from our routine, but it also allows us to spend quality time together outside our home. So, while home-cooked meals may be our bread and butter, our weekly dining adventures add a sprinkle of excitement from whatever we’re craving.


And those are the simple activities that bring me joy.Thank you for watching and joining me on this simple & slow journey that is now my life. I hope it inspires you to notice that simple things can bring you the most joy. It’s a gentle reminder to be content with what we have. As it turns out, happiness is already here and we don’t have to chase it. I’d love to hear from you, so please share in the comments below a simple activity that brings you joy. If you like simple pleasures, subscribe to my YouTube channel and email newsletter for more content like this. Take care and I’ll see you soon! Bye 🙂