why i quit social media

I just came back from a 1-week vacation, which I’m very thankful for having, and had a few epiphanies like:

  • Selling a service such as video editing & blog setup
  • Stepping off social media

I was actually considering hiring a video editor myself so that I can save time and keep creating YouTube content. But decided that I should first look at what is taking time in my life that doesn’t serve me.

The biggest time waster currently is social media.

Not only does it waste my time, but it also wreaks havoc on my self-esteem and sense of self. I do get a lot out of it though. In the last few years, I’ve unfollowed & muted a lot of people who’s updates do nothing for me (or make me feel worse) and minimized it to people who inspire me. But slowly over time, I followed more people, influencers & businesses and it feels like I’m back at step one again. So is social media really worth my well-being?

So I’m thinking now, “How can I take this step further?”

I should just delete the apps off and abandon social media. The thought has already been in the back of my head but I haven’t taken any steps to make it happen. Then an entrepreneur duo who I follow announced that they’re quitting social media and slowly moving their business away from social media.

Which had me think, if I could leave social media I would. But as a business, it would take away opportunities to market my business and make more money. But at the same time, Instagram feels more like it saps the energy out of me rather than helping my business grow.

So what I’m up to now is to learn how to market my products (and future video editing services) WITHOUT social media.

Then slowly move my business away from social media and onto wherever I take it. I don’t know how I’ll do it but I know it will take several months. And hopefully by Quarter 4, I won’t be using social media anymore. That way I can step into 2022 with a much clearer mindset.

As of now, here are a few things I’d need to do to leave social media (in no order):

  • Learn different ways to market without social media
  • Tell my students I’m leaving social media & move the Facebook support group to Teachable
  • Set up a coaching/support on Teachable
  • Announce that I’m leaving social media to my email list and then social media following
  • Complete my sponsored social media posts with brands
  • Abandon Instagram & Facebook

The exception: Pinterest

I still use Pinterest to drive new traffic to my website. So at the moment, I’ll still be using Pinterest. Especially since it doesn’t take up my time nor mess with my esteem. Plus, I hire a Pinterest manager to do it for me so it’s been off of my hands for the last 1.5 years.

I don’t know what I’m doing but I won’t get clarity until I start

These are just my thoughts at the moment. I’ll share more as I do more and get more clarity. For now, I’m going to make myself a Mediterranean lunch with bread, olives, feta cheese, and spinach. YUM.

I’ll leave you guys with photos from my trip. I’m very thankful I’m able to travel. And I hope you guys will be able to experience freedom to travel sooner than later.

Thank you for reading. And thank you for being you 🙂


My slice of life in Mallorca, Spain

Relaxed by the beach then a vendor selling coconuts, watermelon & pineapples came by so we bought some. He slices the fruit for you then serves it in the shell. Zero-waste as its finest.
A plaza in Palma de Mallorca that we happened to come across while looking for a place to eat
We went to a gas station to fill our rental car and ended up finding the best empanadas I’ve ever eaten from inside their convenience store. THE. BOMB.
Spent the evening taking a walk with my husband. I had leftover pizza from the night before so we found a bench, looked out the ocean and ate while talking about video games and life.
One of my “missions” in Mallorca was to find the perfect little basket bag that would fit my phone, keys, wallet, and camera – my travel essentials.
We booked an AirBnb experience which was a Spanish cooking class. I had so much fun and now I want to take a cooking class everywhere I travel too. Getting drunk off wine with the other tourists was a bonus.
Our last night in Mallorca. Of course we had to enjoy a Mediterranean dish with seafood. Fresh seafood is a rare find from where we live in Germany.