Personal Development
Self Care Ideas When You Don’t Have Time
My life is feeling much more well-balanced as opposed to focusing only on one area of life, like work. As important as it is to make a living and as much as I relate my self-value to work, it’s not everything. Some of us are just workaholics. I used to even “backdoor brag” about how […]
How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome (and use it to your advantage)
Do you ever feel like you’re in this state of paralysis where you think you’re not good enough and you’re scared of people finding out and you’re afraid you might get exposed as a fraud, a liar, or an impostor? You’re not alone, and there’s a word for it. It’s called impostor syndrome. And if […]
How to Get Inspired When You’re in a Rut
As a content creator, I always have to get myself into a certain mood in order to create. But feeling motivated and feeling inspired has a shelf-life and I can’t depend on waiting for this feeling. If I did then I wouldn’t be here making this video. In fact, my goal has been to post […]
8 Genius Ways to Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them
So I’m the type of person who loves to set goals. I’m very goal-oriented and it excites me to start new goals and plan my life around it. But the HARDEST thing for me to do is to follow through and actually achieve it. So based on the goals I did achieve, I learned different […]