One of my biggest struggles with blogging is blogging consistently. My goal is to publish 1 blog post/week. And while on some weeks it’s easy, it’s difficult on others. Sometimes, I don’t have the time (which is not true, I just don’t make time). But other times, I don’t feel motivated to write. Do you understand that feeling?
But with these tips, I’ve been able to post consistently that it eventually lead to the growth of my blog. So here are my tips to write a blog post fast in 90 minutes so that you can blog consistently, save yourself time, and grow your blog!
First, choose a simple topic
Start off with a simple topic that will not only be easy for you to write but will also be easy for your reader to digest. If the topic you’re writing about is too big, break it down into a smaller topic. I recommend keeping a list of topics to write about that way when it’s time you write, you already have an idea. This can easily be a list of ideas you saved on your phone or a document that you have saved somewhere.
Then, figure out what kind of post it will be
Is it a guide? Is it a list? Is it a step-by-step how to? Is it a story? Figuring this out will determine the outline of your blog post. Now it’s time to write your blog post! Here’s the 90-minute breakdown.
90-Minute Breakdown
#1 Research keywords (10 minutes)
Hop over to Ubersuggest or Pinterest and type in keywords of the blog post you have in mind. You might find other keywords that people have used to drive traffic to their blogs. Just don’t click on these blog posts and read them. Only do this if you think your blog post has gaps and you want to fill things in. If you want to learn more on how to research keywords, check out my post below.
#2 Create an outline (10 minutes)
This is why you want to figure out the kind of blog post you’re writing. If you’re writing a how-to post or a step-by-step guide, your outline will be broken into steps. If you’re writing a list, your outline will be broken down into the number of items in the list. If you’re writing a story, your story will be broken down into the main points that are important in your story.
To keep your writing simple, I suggest keeping your outline not more than 10 points.
#3 Expand each outline into 3-5 sentences (30 minutes)
Explain each outline with more detail. Keep each explanation simple and go straight to the point.
#4 Write a 3-5 sentence introduction (10 minutes)
Share a few things about how the tips you’re about to share improved your life and how you think it can improve your reader’s life too.
#5 Write a 3-5 sentence conclusion (10 minutes)
Don’t include any new information here. You want all the information in the body of your blog post. In your conclusion, you’re just tying things together & wrapping it up. And don’t forget to include your call-to-action asking your readers to subscribe to your email list or follow you on social media!
#6 Read it out loud, edit, and repeat. (15 minutes)
Do this step for as many times as you need to. For some people, it can take 5 minutes. For others, it can take 30 minutes. I say it can take 15 minutes for a blog post of a normal length.
#7 Format your blog post (5 minutes)
Now it’s time to make your blog post easy to read and skim by using headlines and bolding any important sentences. And also breaking down any big paragraphs into smaller paragraphs.
Hopefully, by this point, you’ve reached 90 minutes and you’re finished with the writing component of your blog post.
Speed writing tips
Keep distractions out of the way.
Turn off the TV. Step into a quiet room. Maybe play some music that’s conducive for writing and concentrating. I like to listen to classical music, movie soundtracks, and this famous girl here.
Allow yourself to let things flow when you write even if it doesn’t make sense.
The goal is to get yourself to write from start to finish and make mistakes. Not to write the perfect blog post. A lot of people come to me and say, “Jojo, I can’t blog because I can’t put my thoughts into words and make it succinct.” My answer is, “That’s a lie. You don’t allow yourself to make mistakes that you can’t even get into the groove of writing because you’re already revising & editing things in your head before you write it. Stop that.”
The great part about writing is that you don’t have to get it right the first time. Or even the second time or third time! Writing is a process and it’s part of the process for your words not to make any sense at all. Have trust in yourself that you will get it right in the end.
Sit down & do it.
You’ll find that about 10-15 minutes in, you will get in the writing zone and everything will pour out. Don’t wait to feel inspired to write. If I did that, my blog would be pretty bare.
If it’s your first time writing a blog post, it might take longer than 90 minutes.
And that’s okay! Writing is a skill that you practice and nurture. No one is born with this skill. I promise you, by your 3rd or 4th blog post, you will be much faster and succinct in your writing.
Favorite resources for writing blog posts
This Chrome extension is like Microsoft Word where it underlines any words in red if it’s misspelled or the grammar is wrong. I always have this turned on in my computer. Even when I’m on Facebook, it tells me if my post has any mistakes. Most of the time, it’s right. But sometimes, it isn’t. So use it to your discretion.
I tend to write sentences that are way too long that if someone were to read them out loud, they would lose their breath. Hemingway Editor helps me edit that down. It’s a website where you copy & paste your writing and it will tell you which sentences are hard to read and which sentences could read simpler.
This is just to make sure your blog post is SEO-friendly so that you can actually have people read it. It shows up right below your blog post editor and it will let you know how to make your blog post optimized for search engines. Because this is for editing, I recommend not looking at this plugin until after you have written your post from start to finish. Otherwise, it’s going to get in the way of your writing flow.
Guess what, I followed these exact tips and ended up finishing this blog post in an hour & 15 minutes. Depending on how in-depth you’re going in your blog post, this process can take less than 60 minutes or 2 hours. So it will really vary on the blog post your writing. But I promise you, if you follow these tips, writing your blog post will go by much faster. I hope with that these tips, you’re able to write faster and blog consistently so that your blog can grow!
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